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Current situation of agricultural irrigation water operation and management in Taiwan


Agricultural water management, irrigation, agricultural water resource utilization, administration policy, hygiene, Taiwan


Monitoring and management of agricultural water quality for green food production


WS - Workshop




Asia (East and Pacific)



Agricultural water(AW)takes up the prime quantity of water resource in Taiwan, which amounted to 62 % of water utilization summation. An industry of utilizing water and land resources is the intrinsic quality of agriculture. Agricultural water resource is the significant property for agriculture development, an essential for farming and herding. Paddy irrigation shared main portion of agricultural water early on. Over past twenty years the agricultural production configuration in Taiwan had shifted greatly; use of the upland cropping, the aquaculture and the livestock poultry had progressed quickly, their fraction of water consumption grew year after year. Administration policy from current times has concentrated attention on the agricultural three functions of production, ecology and livelihood. Paddy agriculture has provided multitudinous contributions of production, rural livelihood and ecosystem to a great extent. In ensuring hygiene of agricultural product for human consumption preservation of irrigation water quality has become vital issue. This article proposes and highlights management progress of agricultural irrigation water for agricultural sustainability. Administrative goal and prospective endeavors to collaborate modern farming practice are oriented towards precision management to achieve massive economic benefits and utilization efficiency of agricultural water resource.

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